Assess the ROI of your content with Media Delivery & Digital Experience

The delivering of your assets becomes seamless, logical and measured thanks to Wedia's Media Delivery.

Enhance your marketing efficiency with Media Delivery

Multiple assets, multi-channels and multi-campaigns. Staying on top of large companies’ communication strategies can be time consuming and tedious.

Having a solution that enables the distribution and tracking of various types of media formats (photos, images, videos etc.) is a way of enhancing the customer experience, building relevant content for your channels and having a global understanding of your media and how your consumers interact with it.

Media Delivery & Digital Experience: elevating content ROI

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What is Media Delivery and how does it work?

Media Delivery gives you the ability to take your media assets directly from your DAM environment and publish them on a range of different channels. Whether it’s your website, e-commerce site, social media or internal communication platforms,with Media Delivery you can publish, track and analyze the success of your campaigns.

Thanks to an optimized Content Delivery Network (CDN), which means that geographically distributed servers are able to speed up the delivery of web content by using a server closest to the user, your content is distributed to you audience in the most efficient and rapid way.

Prioritizing the user experience is possible thanks to a Media Delivery system which is included in Wedia’s DAM offering.

Media Delivery & Digital Experience

An optimal experience

Providing consistent, well-thought out and adapted content across all channels is paramount to the success of brands within the digital sphere.

Media delivery allows for media to be distributed across multiple channels in a controlled manner. With this tool, you can integrate visuals, logos, product images and more directly onto your webpages, without having to switch between two different applications.

A retail company can as such use the DAM solution to release images of its latest collection across its international E-commerce site, continually improving its efficiency. Whilst the photos and images that are being released relate to the retailer’s latest collection, depending on who is viewing the images, the images will automatically adapt.

An optimal experience

Such changes could include:

  • Changes to the image’s context: A person in Spain might see a Mediterranean background whilst someone in Norway would see a Scandinavian landscape
  • Changes to the image size: depending on the device that a user is connecting from, the image size will adapt to perfectly fit the screen and give an optimal experience
  • Changes to the resolution: based on the bandwidth that a user has or the size of their screen, images will automatically adapt to display low or high resolution formats
  • Changes to any text: Depending on the location of the consumer any text on the image would change depending on the language

How does the digital experience enhance your brand?

A customer’s digital experience is now intrinsically linked to how they view your brand. They want to be able to navigate your various digital channels in a way that is easy, interesting and personalized. 

As such, you need to be able to understand the customer journey and how they interact with your channels. Thanks to easy-to-understand analytics, you are able to understand how your audience uses your content and therefore see how to improve and tweak your offering. 

By adapting the content for each user (depending on their location, size of their screen and internet connection for example) you are able to create a tailor-made experience thanks to the power of Wedia’s DAM and Media Delivery system. 

For marketing teams, this kind of tool allows you to build a picture of your customer and create content that appeals and entices them. 

Integrated AI takes your content to the next level

Artificial Intelligence (AI) helps to speed up the process of media delivery. Thanks to 

“smart cropping”, background removal, color substitution or video subtitling, content becomes dynamic and agile. In this way, assets are generated from atomic content, so new visuals can be created for a specific campaign or end user.

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Digital Experience gives you a cross-channel and media-centric view of your activities

For large companies who are distributing different types of content and assets across multiple channels, understanding its performance is key to their marketing, communication and brand strategies. 

Being able to understand the KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) that relate to the different markets, channels and locations that any given asset has been distributed to, is essential. 

Being able to understand the KPIs

As such thanks to the Digital Experience functionality, Wedia’s DAM clients can: 

  • See how many times an image or video has been viewed
  • See the country the user is in
  • See the different devices being used to view the media
  • Understand how an asset performs across different channels
  • Track the objectives set for any given campaign
  • Compare an image that has been distributed to different markets or locations

By being able to build up a detailed picture of any given media asset, brand managers and marketing and communication specialists can understand the success and failures of any given campaign or project across different locations, markets and channels. 

What’s more, Wedia can build customized reports on a per project basis for non-standard analytics and specialized charts.

Media Delivery and Digital Experience: the perfect partnership

The combined benefit of having a DAM solution that intuitively distributes all different types of media, from 3D formats to videos and photos, along with being more than capable of providing detailed analysis of such content, means having a powerful marketing tool at your fingertips. 

As such, each campaign or project can be assigned specific KPIs and targets and Wedia’s DAM is able to monitor and track the progress of each campaign and the final result. 

Thanks to automized processes, each asset is added to every specific channel in a way that works to remove the risk of error, data loss or duplication. 

This not only enhances the daily job of marketing and communication specialists but favors the customer experience. With various media assets molding to the unique scenario that any given user is it (location, device type, bandwidth capability etc.) each user has a unique experience with your brand. 

Being able to understand the performance of your assets is crucial for setting new targets, understanding your audience and developing new strategies. It is therefore thanks to Media Delivery and Digital Experience that the customer experience, along with the internal process, is enhanced and optimized. 

Perfectly connected to your MarTech stack

Your DAM solution certainly doesn’t sit alone. It must be able to slot in and sync up with your existing software including CMS, PIM and CRM to name a few. 

This means that you won’t waste time switching between different tools and you can easily track any content, projects and campaigns across multiple solutions, giving you a cross-channel media-centric view of your marketing campaigns. 

Intuitively add images to your E-commerce website from your DAM solution or take advantage of the customized video players which subscribe to the ‘create once and publish everywhere’ workflow. 

Media Delivery & Digital Experience features within Wedia's DAM

The delivering of your assets becomes seamless, logical and measured thanks to Wedia's Media Delivery.

Content scoring and analytics

Track user interactions with your assets

High Performance Delivery

Ensure fast and high quality viewing experiences

Dynamic Media Rendition

Automate the optimization and delivery of your media

Adoption: from change management to process execution

Introducing Media Delivery & Digital Experience into your organization is a process which will take time, but one that will be supported by the team at Wedia.

Once your company has received the adequate training, information and resources, employees will be empowered enough to start using Wedia's suite to support their day-to-day activities. The move towards change management within your organization is one that Wedia follows closely, making sure that change happens smoothly and users that have access to the DAM have the necessary resources and information to get everything they need out of their DAM solution.

Once change management has happened within your organization, awareness will be raised and users will feel comfortable using DAM to enhance their processes and ways of working.

At Wedia, we work to ensure change management happens seamlessly, going from adoption of the tool to the ordered integration of a DAM into the daily lives of users. Understanding the end goal and the intended usage of a DAM solution is part of Wedia’s strengths, a process which is defined alongside our clients.

Wedia’s DAM: a solution you can trust

An established DAM player since 2010, Wedia Group operates on an international scope, having established itself as a leader in SaaS software and consulting relevant to marketing and communication.

Wedia helps clients manage the complexity of their digital assets and support their business objectives, in terms of both sales and brand awareness.

Based on over 10 years of development, Wedia integrates changing technological advances such as Artificial Intelligence into a DAM solution which is capable of storing large volumes of content and responding to the changing needs of large, international companies.

Performance marketing

Performance marketing teams want to make sure that they can easily find, share and reuse the right content for all of their campaigns. Now, you can bring decentralized teams across multiple locations together and make finding the perfect asset a simple affair.

Brand specialists and CMOs

As a brand specialist or Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) you require a tool that makes finding your assets easier than ever, as well as providing a Single Source of Truth for your entire MarTech stack.


Managing the current MarTech stack can be problematic for IT teams. With DAM, your stack integrates seamlessly into the solution, providing a one-stop system for managing various software.

Creative and UX Teams

Focusing on creativity is key for Creative and UX teams but they can become bogged down by recurring demands for asset production, based on small adjustments and alterations. It's time to put a stop to that.

Product manager

For e-Merchandising Product Managers, distributing the right set of packshots across different e-Commerce channels can prove time-consuming and even lead to errors. With clever analytics and SSOT integration, the customer becomes king.

DAM solutions come in all shapes and sizes, from off-the-shelf to custom built solutions, and simple media libraries to advanced asset storage, there are many to choose from.

Wedia provides a fully-rounded DAM solution, focused on innovation, reliability and performance. With high-performance, adaptive media delivery in digital operations, content delivery and analytics, along with in-house DAM expertise, Wedia prides itself on delivering more than a storage solution but a true customer experience tool.

Trusted by prestigious companies such as Decathlon, Royal Canin and Sephora, Wedia has been recognized by Gartner and Forrester as a leader in DAM solutions.

With innovation at its core, Wedia works to be one-step ahead of the needs of clients, providing a DAM solution which suits the way of working of today and tomorrow. Therefore, Wedia emphasises the importance of core features that power how its DAM solution is used, making it as intuitive and agile as possible, particularly in the face of digital transformation. With technology advances being made every day and the need for businesses to multitask and move faster, the future transformation of DAM sit at the heart of Wedia’s preoccupations.

What does the future of DAM look like?

DAM has found its place in companies’ MarTech stacks and in the lives of marketing professionals. The use of DAM has happened overtime and come from the increasing use of digital assets and the need for multiple stakeholders to access shared media.

As innovation and technological advances continue to shape the future of marketing and communication activity, what does the future of DAM look like?

With AI technology heavily impacting digital asset creation, the future of DAM looks set to change. Wedia’s DAM has an integrated Generative-AI tool, which allows assets to be generated based on text prompts. This allows marketers and users to create assets which don’t exist within their library. Combining Gen-AI with the ability to store, distribute and track media assets is a way to further enhance the management of media like videos, images and social media posts. With AI set to alter the way content is created, DAM is likely to evolve in order to keep up with the changing media landscape. At Wedia, thanks to our agile nature, our DAM evolves with you and the changes taking place now and in the future.

Building the future together

#FutureDAM is a community that brings together users and specialists of Digital Asset Management (DAM). The idea is to share the innovations, changes and ideas that will shape the future of DAM.

From artificial intelligence (AI) to User Generated Content (UGC), #FutureDAM is a way of fabricating the way that we use and will use DAM.

By being part of the #FutureDAM community, you’ll have access to exclusive meetings to stay up to date with the latest news and trends, as well as content such as webinars, demonstrations and tutorials. There will also be the chance to have one-to-one appointments with specialists from the business.

Shape the future together by being part of #FutureDAM.

Frequently asked

What kind of analytics can I have access to? 

You’ll have access to a global overview of your media assets, projects and campaigns. Analytics will be divided by brand, country and business unit meaning that you have a broad and detailed sense of the KPIs related to your content across all channels and how it has been interacted with by your clients and consumers.

Can’t I just use third party applications for content distribution?

Using video playing applications like YouTube don’t give you the same kind of control and understanding that you would get from using a DAM solution. By using Media Delivery and Digital Experience you are able to have full ownership of the video, control advertising and collect in-depth statistics.

What is the advantage of connecting my other solutions such as my CMS?

By connecting your MarTech stack to the DAM solution you are able to create a veritable Single Source of Truth (SSOT). This means avoiding duplicates, editing your media once instead of across multiple channels and ensuring that media assets are kept up to date.

How can I view my KPIs?

KPIs can be viewed within the DAM environment or exported and opened with Excel, PowerBi or other BI tools.

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